What is bone grafting?

Oftentimes, in the case of periodontal disease, dental infections or traumatic injuries, bone and soft tissue may atrophy in areas around the diseased teeth as a result. This process of bone loss is accelerated when teeth are missing, and nothing is done to replace the stimulation that a tooth root provides. When the quality and quantity of bone is inadequate for the placement of dental implants, the deteriorated bone must be replaced.

How does it help?

Due to the development of advanced techniques over the years, we now have the ability to rebuild bone where it is needed, enabling us to replace missing teeth with dental implants, even for patients with significant bone loss.

What are some reasons I would need bone grafting?

When teeth are lost, the bone that held those teeth in place begins to diminish in a process called resorption. This bone atrophy impacts your appearance because facial structures lose support. More importantly, resorption makes it harder for your jawbone to support dental implants.  At Great River Oral Surgery the surgeons perform bone grafting procedures to increase bone mass and create a favorable environment for replacement teeth attached with dental implants.

There are several types of bone grafting procedures specifically for the oral and maxillofacial area. The type of bone graft you receive will be determined by factors such as goals for treatment and severity of bone loss. Your oral surgeon will discuss and recommend the bone grafting procedure that is best for you.

Types of Bone Grafting Procedures

Great River Oral Surgery practices the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, including bone grafting procedures.

  • Sinus lifts add bone to the molar and premolar area in the upper jaw. This creates the stability needed to receive dental implants.
  • Socket preservation is a bone graft that is performed immediately following a tooth extraction, which prevents bone loss from occurring.
  • Ridge expansion increases the width and/or height of the alveolar ridge. This is a common bone graft procedure before receiving dental implants.
  • Major bone grafting occurs when a large amount of bone needs to be replaced. A patient may require major bone grafting if they have experienced facial trauma or gum disease, or a condition such as a facial tumor or birth defect.
  • Nerve repositioning may be needed if the alveolar nerve, the nerve responsible for providing feeling to the chin and lower lip, is susceptible to damage during a dental implant procedure. In general, this is a last resort procedure due to its high-risk nature.